Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Business News

Bank Muscat celebrates the winning teams in Green Sports program for 2023

These sports teams attract a large number of young people in Oman, helping them showcase their talents and providing them with opportunities for physical, emotional, and mental development.

TAS News Service

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

MUSCAT – In emphasis of its pioneering role in corporate social responsibility, community development and the youth, Bank Muscat, the leading financial service provider in the Sultanate of Oman, recently organized an event celebrating the 20 winning teams for this year’s 12th edition of the “Green Sports” program, with the attendance of Sheikh Waleed Khamis Al Hashar, the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer, in addition to other executives from the Bank, representatives of the winning sports teams, and journalists from leading media houses in the country. Since its inauguration in 2012, the program has benefitted 183 teams with over 50,000 members across the Sultanate of Oman. These sports teams attract a large number of young people in Oman, helping them showcase their talents and providing them with opportunities for physical, emotional, and mental development.

The Green Sports program is one of the Bank’s flagship CSR programs aiming at sporting skills of the Omani talented youth in the sports and cultural domains. The support provided by the program includes greening of football pitches, water desalination and lighting. In addition, the program annually receives excellent participation by sports teams from across the Governorates desiring to enhance green spaces for the Omani youth to improve their sporting skills by equipping these spaces with sports facilities. This year, 124 teams have competed, thereby asserting the program’s success and popularity among Omani youth.

During the celebration, Sami Bait Rashid, Assistant General Manager, Meethaq Personal Banking, Bank Muscat, delivered a speech where he said that year after year, the program sees excellent participation by sports teams from across the Sultanate confirming the Bank’s tremendous support in making the program a great success among the Omani youth. Considering that Bank Muscat plays a pioneering role in the CSR programs, he further added that it will continue its commitment to providing ample opportunities for young Omanis to develop their talents, thanking the teams for their cooperation in making the program a grand success and wishing them all the best in their coming journey.

During the delivery of the speech, he also emphasized that Bank Muscat will continue supporting and developing the “Green Sports” program to keep pace with the recent developments in this prominent sector, especially when it comes to equipping the green spaces with modern infrastructure facilities necessary to create an ideal platform for social engagement among the youth, encouraging the winning sports teams to continue their efforts to serve the community better at the sports, social, and cultural levels.

Expressing his happiness and pride in the Kamazar Sports Team from Khasab Musandam, Sheikh Zaid Bin Mohammed Al Kamzari, the winning sports team manager, said that the “Green Sports” program represents an important initiative for developing the sporting skills and talents of the Omani youth. Al Kamzari also emphasized that the winning sports team will successfully complete developing the green fields partnering with the Bank, thanking Bank Muscat for this one-of-a-kind communal and societal initiative that contributes to the achievement of direct and indirect objectives.

From his side, Juma Bin Abdullah Al Suleimi, the manager of the Itihad Imti Sports and Cultural Team from Izki, also said that the program plays a vital role in enhancing the sports teams’ contribution to developing the Omani community and enhancing the infrastructure needed to improve the football green fields. Expressing his pride in being one of the winning teams and happiness with the support provided by the program, Al Suleimi further added that this program is of huge importance in terms of improving the Omani youth’s sporting skills and equipping them with convenient space to practice various cultural and sporting activities.

Bank Muscat has recently announced the winning sports teams across the Sultanate who benefited from the support provided by the program. The winners include: Suwaiq Sports Team from Suwaiq, Al Marsa Sports and Cultural Team from Sohar, al Tawun Sports and Cultural Team from Saham, Al Tadamon Sports and Cultural Team from Jalan Bani Bu Hassan, Al Wahra Sports and Cultural Team from Ibri, Al Shubaika Sports and Cultural Team from Al Rustaq, Al Falaj Sports and Cultural Team from Al Khaboora, Al Samoud Sports and Cultural Team from Bidiya, Itihad Imti Sports and Cultural Team from Izki, Al-Baz Sports Team from Samail, Al Hazm Sports Team from Bahla, Blida Sports and Cultural Team from Shinas and Al Shati Sports Team from Al Musanaah for Lighting System. In addition, Al Itihad algharbi Sports team from Jalan Bani Bu Ali, Al Sadd Cultural and Sports Team from Wadi Bani Khalid, Al Ettifaq Sports Team from Quriyat, Wadi Al-Tayyeen Sports and Cultural Team from Dema w al taeen, Al Raheeb Sports Team from Sur, Kamazar Sport Team from Khasab and Hayy Sports Team from Mahoot who shall receive support for artificial or natural turf.
