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Oman News

Don’t post lost and found documents on social media: Royal Oman Police

Friday, January 25, 2019

MUSCAT: If you find a lost document, please hand it over to the nearest police station other than photographing it and sharing it on social media, the Royal Oman Police has tweeted.

By tweeting the pictures of sample documents like, resident cards, driving license and bank cards, the ROP has urged public to hand over the lost and found documents to the police station.

Generally, in Oman, when lost and found documents are uploaded on social media to trace the owner.

Meanwhile, a data security expert in Oman, said that what police tweeted is the right approach to follow.

“By uploading the lost and found documents on social media, it would lead to data breach. It may help to find the original custodian of the lost and found document, but it increases the risk of data leak. It may even help miscreants to forge documents. So, do follow what police officials say,” the data security expert added.
