Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Sports News

Photo Credit : ANI

Australian, Indian musicians perform for world peace on sidelines of Cricket World Cup

With a hope for world peace and to stop the conflict and war-like situation in the Middle-East part of the world these musicians, singers and artists are performing music to spread a message of peace across the globe.


Friday, October 20, 2023

SHIMLA : The Australian Music peace ambassadors along with the students of the Music Department of Himachal Pradesh University on Friday held a music show in the north Indian hill resort Shimla.

With a hope for world peace and to stop the conflict and war-like situation in the Middle-East part of the world these musicians, singers and artists are performing music to spread a message of peace across the globe.

These Australian and Indian musicians through music are also wishing good luck to the Australian cricket team to win in the ongoing World Cup match against Pakistan. After the floods the tourists’ arrival has started in Himachal Pradesh and the tourism business units here are hopeful to accelerate the business in days to come.

“The tourism industry in Himachal Pradesh suffered a lot during the months of July and August due to floods and it also suffered earlier because of Covid, now tourists have started coming here. This is the 14th group in Himachal. David is 79 years old with five family members of three generations. They are performing the music with a message of world peace. I feel lucky to be here. As you know in Western parts of the world especially the Middle people are being killed, and human lives are being lost; we all are in sympathy with that. We wish that world peace must prevail. It is an important day. We have a cricket match with Australia and Pakistan in Lucknow and we wish good luck for that. Music is one of the richest sources to spread that message in an appropriate manner,” said Prem Sagar, Organizer.

The artists and musicians from Australia are happy to be here in the state of Himachal Pradesh in the summer hills near the state capital, Shimla. These artists are happy to spread a message of peace and culture through music to the world through music. These Australian musicians here are happy to be part of a music show with Indian students of music and also wish good luck to the Australian cricket team to win a match against Pakistan today.

“It is good to be here in Shimla; people live here on the steep hills. It was a wonderful experience in the hills travelling on the toy train. I have been playing music since I was a young man, it is a pleasure to play music. Music comes from the heart and soul and it brings the feeling of the better part of the people many times. I live in a world where there are troubles and difficulties in many parts of the world the Middle East and Ukraine and many other places. I think it’s valuable to give something beautiful, peace and something positive and I think music is a language different from the spoken language as everyone can feel and understand it,” said David A musician from Australia.

“It is a terrible tragedy that is happening in the Middle East and other parts of the world. I have met musicians from many parts of the world, I have seen Israeli and Palestinian musicians performing together. Once we play music for world peace we try to race hot to understand the peace and understand the neighbour but not fighting, I think team Australia can’t hear our music right now but we wish them good luck,” David further added.

The young and popular singer in Melbourne, Jayda Jeans said that it was a wonderful experience with the Indian artists of Music in Himachal Pradesh and she is happy to spread a message of peace through music.

“I think music is very healing if we share stories and share through music. I think it will help the world for peace. It is a very incredible experience, very different from Australia. My father, grandfather, my brother and my sister have been here for three generations. We wish good luck for Australia and we are going to another game with Newsy land. Next week I wish them good luck,” said Jayda Jeans, Australian Singer and Musician.

The Indian artists and organizers at Himachal Pradesh University are happy to spread a peace message amid the Israel-Hamas conflict.

“This year we celebrated-G-20 and the entire part of the globe is attracted towards India and India is giving a peace message to the world. This is the wonderful opportunity that Himachal Pradesh University is having with these peace ambassadors from Australia and musicians, we all Indian and Australian musicians are sitting together for world peace. As you know the world is in a very disturbing position.

Our message through music and culture is that we always go for peace. We can say if peace is there culture will develop this cultural interaction with, we are also wishing good luck and praying for the Australian cricket to win the Australian cricket team in world cup ODI today,” said Him Chatterjee, Dean of Studies at department of visual art of Himachal Pradesh University. (ANI)
