Wednesday, October 25, 2023


3 ideas that can prepare a child to combat mental health issues at school

It's time to go back to school! As the blues hit with the end of vacations, excitement builds up for new possibilities as well!

By Samyarup Chowdhury

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

However, let’s face it, children deal with ups and downs in life as much as grown-ups. And that can ultimately affect their studies, their careers, and leave lasting impacts on their mental health. But practicing a few simple strategies and ideas can help make the return to school a smooth sailing for the young ones.

Promoting positive body image and self-esteem: As kids grow, they get more conscious about their bodies, and sometimes, their peers can be a little insensitive to it as they are children and don’t know any better. However, inculcating a sense of “being comfortable in their own skin”, of course with the help of parents, guardians, and teachers, can help make the school an emotionally safe space for the children.

Stress management skills: Stress in schools is a really grave issue with the fiercely competitive nature of education nowadays. While nothing can be done about that, unfortunately, adopting stress management skills can help make life easier. Students should be encouraged to talk openly about their stressors and learn how to cope with them in healthy ways.

Promoting emotional literacy: This has got more to do with the school’s responsibility to promote this much needed topic, specifically by raising awareness among students about mental health issues. A lot of research shows a clear link between literacy education and improved mental health outcomes.
