Wednesday, October 25, 2023


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Have you ever volunteered to provide ‘First Aid’?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you would have seen a first aid box at some time in your life or the other. But have you ever used one to provide critical aid to someone in an emergency?

By Suzy Fontes

Friday, September 8, 2023

Muscat: Strange as it might sound, a study done by Red Cross found that only one person in twenty would know what to do in a first aid emergency. This fact stands out all the more starkly when the study further reveals that 59% of deaths from injury could have been prevented if first aid was given before the emergency medical services arrived.

Despite all the medical reports on the importance of critical aid in an emergency, eight in ten adults are either not equipped with requisite knowledge or lack the confidence to act as per the set protocol if someone collapsed and was unresponsive or not breathing. And this is despite the general human tendency to help out in case of emergencies; which is to say that it isn’t about the desire to help but the flood of doubts that stump one from dispensing first aid. And, again, this is despite the fact of the matter that even the simplest of first aid skills can make the difference between life and death.

The answer then is obvious? 

All that each one of us needs to do is take a pledge to do our bit for the larger good?

But will that pledge alone help?

Perhaps yes, if the pledge is followed by action to alter that lack of confidence.

So, on this World First Aid Day (observed on second Saturday of September), let’s all pledge to take that crucial first step to learn the art of providing simple first aid when emergency strikes.

Let’s promise ourselves to understand and incorporate first aid steps into our lives and harness confidence to provide critical aid when emergency strikes. 

Remember; whatever be your age, it is never too late to learn the ropes of first aid and dispense help when situation arises.

First a little history:

World First Aid Day is an annual event that aims to raise awareness about the importance of first aid in saving lives. The day is an opportunity to recognize the critical role that first aid plays in emergencies and to promote the importance of having basic first aid skills. 

The day is a reminder that being prepared and having essential knowledge and requisite skills to provide first aid can make all the difference in an emergency.

The Day is marked each year under a specific theme. This year the focus is on ‘First Aid in the Digital World’. The idea being that from the basics to intensive learning to refresher courses around live-saving techniques, digital technology allows anybody, with or without internet access, to learn first aid. 

In today’s increasingly connected world, it’s important to understand how technology can be used to save lives in emergency situations. The digital theme encourages citizens of the world to explore digital tools and resources and garner knowledge to utilize those tools/resources to provide first aid assistance and education – from apps on smartphones and laptops to online tutorials.

Whether it is to handle common emergencies at home or critical care requirements in offices or even public spaces, the crux of the matter is presence of mind to provide aid before help arrives. And while there is no dearth of information online when it comes to first aid, there are critical facts that have been underscored by medical experts as crucial in handling some of the common emergencies.  

Understand the basics

When you know the basics of first aid, you are better equipped to effectively respond to a medical crisis. The emergency may be a sudden injury or an unexpected illness, the objective is to stay calm and composed so as to provide essential assistance. It is only when you are calm and collected can you be of any help. Also, being in possession of a first aid kit will prove to be that perfect first step. Most of the supplies in these boxes may be superficial, enough to treat only minor injuries, but it can be as good a start as any. Ensure that your house has one; offices need to keep a well equipped kit to handle emergencies.


One of the most important first aid is cardiopulmonary resuscitation; it can save a person’s life in the event of cardiac arrest. Learning CPR, however, requires training to ensure you are following the right steps.

Burns, cuts and fractures 

Some of the most common injuries that can benefit from first aid are burns, cuts and fractures. Most first aid boxes have the requisite bandages and lotions to help overcome the initial pain and stop the bleeding.

Non-emergency aid

First aid is also required in seemingly non-emergency situations like heatstroke or dehydration. This requires care to understand the situation and handle the issue accordingly. 

What is important to note here is that first aid is equally important in addressing mental health emergencies, common among which are panic attacks and depression. Such emergencies require training and understanding to provide immediate aid; however, identifying the key triggers for such emergencies can be effective in ensuring help is at hand for the victim.

So, let’s make this World First Aid Day count for the people in our lives by learning simple steps to help out in an emergency.
