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Lifestyle News

International Women’s Day: Changing the patriarchal mindset

The Arabian Stories spoke to a section of women who strongly thinks the time has come for change.

Friday, March 8, 2019

“When women put their heads together, powerful things happen.”

Today, the fight for equality continues, as International Women’s Day kicks off around the globe. Today, March 8th, will highlight the range of economic, political and social achievements made by women, as well as opening up the discussion on how we can forge a more inclusive world for the next generation.

The Arabian Stories spoke to a section of women who strongly thinks the time has come for change. “We need power to make equality a reality,” they say in one voice. 

Nawal Al Balushi
International Women’s Day is a celebration of women who have battled patriarchal mindsets and made it possible for women all over the world to negotiate more space for themselves. Women today are in a very strong position and we must work as a collective to help all those who are disadvantaged in society.

Dr. Mary Ann
Learn to love yourself, the world will see the love in your eyes and fall in love with you! The woman who loves herself is ageless, and nature preserves her beauty and form.

Safiya Al Abri
To me International Women’s Day is a day when we recognise the fact that we must continue our efforts towards empowerment. Women have achieved so much. But we still have a long way to go. Attitudes need to change too. A woman has to realise her own potential and strength as an equal member of society.
