Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Over 300 healthcare professionals attend ‘CRM 360 Meeting’ in Dubai

The ‘CRM 360 Meeting’ is accredited by the American Association of Continuing Medical Education, the British Academy of Continuing Medical Education and notable local accrediting bodies.

TAS News Service

Sunday, October 23, 2022

DUBAI : Over 300 healthcare professionals from India, the Middle East, and Africa joined international experts to share knowledge and best practice about the importance of taking a multidisciplinary approach to manage type 2 diabetes (T2D) at the ‘CRM 360 Meeting’ that was hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, and took place in Dubai on October 21st and 22nd.

Cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic (‘CRM’) conditions affect more than one billion people worldwide and account for up to 20 million deaths annually, becoming the leading cause of death globally. In the Middle East and North Africa, the prevalence of diabetes is at 55 million adults and is set to double by 2045. The pancreas, the heart, and the kidneys have an important connection as they have the potential to both positively and negatively impact each other. This interconnectivity means that when a person experiences disease in one of these areas, it increases the chances of one or all the other systems being affected. Therefore, a collaborative multidisciplinary approach can increase the chances of improving treatment outcomes. A diverse team of experts can coordinate the treatment of related conditions to help in reducing the effect of the disease on the cardiovascular, renal and metabolic systems of patients living with T2D.

With participants from across the region, the CRM 360 Meeting provided a forum for medical experts to discuss various treatment pathways and approaches to T2D care in different countries. Key topics included the latest guidelines on treatment adherence, focusing on the burden of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disorder associated with type 2 diabetes.

Mohammed Al-Tawil, Regional Managing Director, and Head of Human Pharma, India, Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (‘IMETA’) at Boehringer Ingelheim said,”At Boehringer Ingelheim, our goal is to improve the lives of patients living with chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease that impacts hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Creating treatment solutions that offer multi-organ protection to the patients starts with a commitment to understand the needs of the patients, and we can achieve this by working closely with the medical community. Our annual CRM 360 Meeting allows us to connect with the region’s leading healthcare professionals and international experts and learn about the latest guidelines that can improve treatment outcomes. By working together, we can accelerate the development of the next generation of breakthroughs to improve the health and wellbeing of our patients.”

The CRM 360 Meeting was presented by international speakers from Finland and the United Kingdom. The meeting was moderated by leading specialists, including Prof. Adel El Etriby, Professor of Cardiology at Ain Shams University in Egypt; Dr. Khalid Almatham from Saudi Arabia; and Dr. Jalal Nafach, American Board-Certified Endocrinologist, University of Nebraska Medical Center in Nebraska in the USA.

Prof. Adel El Etriby, Professor of Cardiology at Ain Shams University, Egypt, said, “We know that there is a strong connection between type 2 diabetes and heart health – half of the patients with type 2 diabetes have a high cardiovascular risk, while the majority are at a high risk of fatal heart attack or stroke. It is important for cardiologists to attend summits like the CRM 360 Meeting to interact with peers from different disciplines to learn from one another and explore how to work together to elevate the standard of care for patients.”

Dr. Jalal Nafach, American Board-Certified Endocrinologist, University of Nebraska Medical Center in Nebraska, USA and Consultant Endocrinologist in Dubai Diabetes Center, Dubai Health Authority, UAE, agreed that the interaction between specialists was key to improving patient care.“It’s incredibly valuable for healthcare professionals from different disciplines to share case studies and personal insight – it provides us with a ‘real-world’ view of the link between diabetes and other comorbidities. For instance, the connection between type two diabetes and the kidneys can be overlooked and is often unrealized by patients. Discussing the latest guideline updates at the CRM 360 –Meeting and considering a more holistic multisystem approach to care will benefit our patients.”

Dr. Khalid Almatham, Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Asst. Professor, and Associate Executive Director of Academic Studies and Training Affairs in Saudi Arabia,added, “We learn more and more how everything is interconnected; for instance, when you treat someone for type 2 diabetes, renal-protection must also be considered. We now have evidence that the use of type 2 diabetes medications can reduce the risk of kidney complications. Having the opportunity to discuss this type of evidence and what it means for our patient care is a real strength of meetings like this.”

In addition to the ‘CRM 360 Meeting’, Boehringer Ingelheim also hosts interactive webinars and sessions for the medical community throughout the year to share best practices, insights, and learnings on T2D management with the goal of enhancing patient outcomes.
