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Lifestyle News

Tips to stay healthy this winter

Make time for your overall health – and, of course your skin - this winter with some tried and tested remedies to get through the cold season.

By Suzy Fontes

Friday, December 9, 2022

MUSCAT : Winter is the best season of the year – for almost everyone in this part of the world; a world where summer heat usually plays spoilsport with plans of outdoor activities. Come winter and things seem to take a complete u-turn to nudge us from the summer lethargy; to go out, to smell the breeze, to experience the softness of the air, to catch sunsets…and, of course to picnic, camp out and go on long, endless drives.

This time around, after what seemed like a really long summer, winter is slowly and surely making its way here, with the evening nip heralding a cool season. It promises to get cooler in the coming days, ushering in a new feel of freshness to everyday activities. It will also bring in its wake a whole lot of ails, more specifically skin problems.

While we do not have severe winter climes as in many other parts of the world where the temperature dips to negative, the chills can be harsh, causing seasonal cold and flu, especially after the long drawn out hot and humid summer season. Commonly, the skin tends to get dry and flaky, with lips becoming chapped and the heels resembling a parched ground, demanding tender loving care to keep it looking and feeling healthy. 

Skincare: In the world of skincare, there is no dearth of products for every kind of skin tone; however, what is important to keep the skin from drying out is a reliable moisturiser. And, even if the sun doesn’t feel like it is burning you up, apply sunscreen lotion/cream – sun can still have its effect on the skin. Besides, don’t forget to stay hydrated; drink enough water to feed your skin and keep it healthy.

 Workout: Winter is perhaps the best time of the year to initiate a workout – literally work out.  The weather is just perfect to walk, jog or even run, without the discomfort of the summer sweat. A regular exercise regime will ensure that you are fit during these cold months and you will have fewer complaints of aches and joint pains. What is more, it will also boost your immune system.

Diet right: Eat right, stay healthy – that’s the dictum for any season; but come winter, and you might need to alter your food habits to keep your body warm and healthy. This, in no way, means hot and spicy foods, more so the deep fried varieties that the body tends to crave to get into the mood of the season. Best is to follow the trend and opt for healthy soups and green vegetables – you will not go wrong with this any time of the year.

Dress up: Whether your wardrobe boasts of fashionable winter clothes and accessories or not, it is pertinent to ensure that you are covered right when you step outdoors in the evening. While a hoodie can easily protect the head from absorbing the dew in the air, any shawl can work easily. Studies have found that the body tends to lose more heat when the scalp is exposed; it also heightens the risk of catching winter cold and flu.

Winter flu: There are several ways to avoid catching flu, most important of which is washing hands, just as you did during the pandemic days. Seasonal influenza can be avoided by taking the flu vaccine, which is even advised by the Ministry of Health in Oman.

Stay health this winter!
