Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Lifestyle News

Cookie Time

Get your jar of cookies ready before XMAS.

TAS News Service

Friday, December 16, 2022

Who doesn’t cherish getting something sweet and delightful for a present? This year for Christmas, give your loved ones a container of cookies.Get your Xmas treats ready.

Rainbow Cookies


  • 1 cup (120gr) white flour
  • ¼ (25gr) brown sugar
  • ¼ cup (30gr) white sugar
  • ½  tsp Baking soda
  • ½ cup (50gr) colourful chocolate chips
  • 2 tsp (25gr) butter
  • ½ egg


  1. Add your white flour to the bottom of the jar.
  2. Next, add a layer of brown sugar followed by a layer of white sugar.
  3. Add the baking soda to the top.
  4. Sprinkle your multi-colored chocolate chips to the top of the dry ingredients.
  5. Add egg and butter

After the egg and butter are added, the cookies will need to bake at 350°F (180°C) for 10 to 15 minutes.
